Over the past decade, globalization has helped many companies improve their competitive positions. Organizations that pushed their supply chains to become ever longer were often rewarded with lower input costs and increased sales to emerging markets.
But today, growth in many global economies has slowed, and the economic prosperity of the past several years is being replaced by uncertainty. This reversal of fortune is placing downward pressure on business, causing corporations to seek savings and improved efficiencies. Since a large portion of a company's revenues and expenses flows through its global supply chain, it will come as no surprise that management will expect its supply chain to increase efficiencies during the current downturn.
To guide your company, it is important to recognize where these efficiencies may be found, to understand how leading companies approach their global supply chains, and to take the appropriate actions.
To view the full article, visit SupplyChainBrain at http://www.supplychainbrain.com/content/nc/general-scm/global-supply-chain-mgmt/single-article-page/article/global-supply-chain-balancing-cost-reduction-and-performance-improvement/
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