The U.S. Census Bureau has modified the Automated Export System filing time frames for shipments between the U.S. and Puerto Rico.
Since Puerto Rico is part of the ”Customs territory of the United States,” shipments between the U.S. and Puerto Rico are exempt from the advance filing requirements set forth in the Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR) that were issued last year.
In FTR Letter No. 1 issued in September 2008, Census advised that even though Puerto Rico-related shipments were exempt from the FTR’s advance filing requirements, the proof of filing citation had to be presented to the carrier “prior to departure” of the shipment.
After consulting with the trade community servicing Puerto Rico Census has modified the filing deadline. In FTR Letter No. 4, which was issued on April 23rd, Census stated that for shipments between the U.S. and Puerto Rico the proof of filing citation, postdeparture filing citation or exemption citation now has to be presented to the carrier “by the time the shipment arrives at the port of unlading.”
To read this article, please visit WorldTrade\Interactive.
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