Thursday, April 16, 2009

ISF Filers Can Register for Report Cards

Importers or their logistics providers need to register to receive performance reports on how well they are complying with the “10+2” rule, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said in a message to the import community on Monday.

CBP is preparing to send out the report cards to companies that have submitted Importer Security Filings under the advance trade data rule that went into effect in late January. The reports are expected to indicate how many filings a company has submitted, whether they have been accepted or rejected, the on-time ratio, and grade for accuracy each of the 10 data elements in the document.

Filers must send an e-mail to and include the following information:

• Filer’s corporate name.
• Filer code used for ISF.
• Point of contact and telephone number.
• Corporate e-mail address to which report will be sent.

CBP will call the point of contact to verify the information. Questions should be directed to Chuck Miller, (703) 553-1772.

For more information, visit CBP's site.