The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency's Importer Security Filing (ISF) regulation has become commonly known as the 10+2 initiative because it requires importers and vessel-operating carriers to provide trade data for non-bulk cargo shipments arriving into the United States via ocean.
Below are 10 abbreviated ways to comply with the new regulations. For more information regarding each tip, please visit Inbound Logistics.
1. Remember that 10+2 pertains to goods transiting through the United States, not just imports.
2. Be aware of the "flexible enforcement" loophole.
3. Understand who is responsible for filing the data.
4. Engage your carriers.
5. Don't wait until the last minute.
6. Know what data can be amended.
7. Learn how to file electronically, or engage a partner to do it for you.
8. Transition now toward electronic filing.
9. Know the penalties for compliance failure.
10. Get help and the most current information on 10+2 regulations from CBP.
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